Saturday, May 24, 2008

Chasing Pavements

I loved this song from the first time I heard it... it's so sweet!
It touched me because I see me in
her shoes: a not very attractive girl who is in love with a boy.
She doesn't know if he could ever fall for her, maybe she is bothered by her appearance , maybe she don't think he could ever look at her with loving eyes...

She is asking herself "should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements even if it leads nowhere?". Sometimes it's difficult to answer this question, sometimes we choose the wrong way...

This time, I choose to give up


Layla said...

Sinceramente non credo di aver capito cosa di preciso ti ha fatto capire che non c'รจ alcun interesse da parte sua.
Capisco la tua decisione non ti stresso per avere ulteriori dettagli...
Bast che tu sia serena, va tutto bene.
Un bacio!

LaCiccer said...

ciao white
passo per un salutino..
ne approfitto per leggere qualcosa...;))
caio Layledda!! :****

pisin said...

concordo.. amo questa canzone per lo stesso motivo!

Anonymous said...

That’s Too nice, when it comes in india hope it can make a Rocking place for youngster.. hope that come true.